Bailoni: First Apricot Distillery in the Wachau
Visit us in our tradtitional distillery in Krems-Stein! Since 1872 apricot are distilled at our premise.
Steiner Landstraße 102
3504 Krems-Stein
Phone: +43 2732 82228
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00
Sat 9:00-13:00

Bailoni at the Steinertor
"We make more out of apricots" is our slogan for our shop at the Steinertor in Krems town. In our shop you find everything from Wachauer Gold-Apricot Liqueur, Gold-Apricot Brandy, Tipsy Apricots to Gold-Apricot Frizzante. Enjoy our delicious apricot specialities in our Apricot Lounge. Our fresh apricot dumplings, apricot cake, crepes and apricot aperitifs are available the whole year.
Bailoni im Steinertor
Schwedengasse 2
3500 Krems
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9:00-18:00
Phone: +43 664 733 566 65
Winter opening hours:
Beginning of January until end of February our shop is open from 9:00-17:00